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·First House Chinese Taoism: Yingtan Si Han Tianshi House, Jiangxi Province  ·Low-lying beach land is very beautiful scenery  ·Stay away from drugs, out of the shadow of opium - has been very popular in the Golden Triangle's opium market  ·Equatorial Monument Of Quito In Ecuador  ·CPC stationed station: Yan'an Yangjialing, Shaanxi Province  ·Aden Chonggu Temple Scenic in Inagi  ·Ezhou Liangzi Lake, Hubei Province  ·Hexi Zoulang, Gansu  ·The beauty of chrysanthemum flower in the autumn  ·Lijiang Heilongtan landscape in Yunnan Province  ·How Beautiful is Doha, the capital city of Qatar  ·Classic Posters of China  ·Tianjin City Landscape  ·Wetlands: the source of the human driving force for sustainable development  ·Danxia Scenic Area of Chishui  
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